10 “Daria” quotes that are just as applicable to us now as they were when we were ’90s teens

Man, Daria gets us. She tells it like it is and points out the absurdity of high school with pure sarcasm. She’s moody, smart, funny, and perfectly critical of society. We like to think there’s a little — or a lot — of Daria in all of us. Upon checking out some memorable quotes from Daria, we realized that most of the things Daria says in relation to her ’90s high school hit pretty close to home for us adults in 2017. It’s safe to say that the below Daria quotes are just as applicable to us now as they were when we were teenagers of the ’90s.

We’ve compiled some of our favorite Daria-isms that we’re probably going to print out and hang up as decor later today. They’re really just too good and too relatable not to.

1First it was homework, now it’s literally everything.

That paperwork that’s been on our desk since Monday? Yeah we’ll get to that after lunch. Cooking dinner? We’ll just do that tomorrow.

2You used to have gossip about who’s dating the quarterback but now you have gossip about Mandy from HR!

Don’t worry, it’s good gossip. Mandy’s getting promoted! We’ll send her a card.

3Applicable to high school mean girls/boys and adult mean girls/boys.

Your shallowness is also extremely exhausting. Check please!

4Grades and unfair teachers, or rent and unfair bosses — all can be healed with pizza and complaining!

We’re penciling pizza and complaining into our planner. Does Sunday after 5 sound good? We’ll bring the complaining, you bring the pizza?

5Yeah, same.

Honestly, this is still applicable to high school. We wouldn’t go back there even if you paid us! Well, actually that depends on how much you’re will to cough up…

6When all your friends are starting to get married but you’re still single AF.

Happy for you! But also us singletons don’t really want to hear about your engagement right now so — pizza and complaining, anyone?

7They were cool for prom, but as adults we know this truth so well —

It took us a good eight years to come to this realization, but wow do our feet feel fantastic!

8Going out on the weekends just isn’t what it used to be.

Girl, we’ve all been there. Drink plenty of water and eat some avocados!

9Change the word “class” to suit your situation.

Hey, you may think they’re idiots, but at least they’re keeping things interesting!

10Absolutely spot-on.

Sorry, it’s not us. It’s you.

Whatever situation you’re in — high school related or being an adult related — there’s most likely a Daria quote that sums it up perfectly. Thanks to Daria and friends, we learned to look at the humor in everything and critique where critique is due.

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