Dan Stevens is lowkey copying Belle’s iconic looks on the “Beauty and the Beast” red carpet

The worldwide press tour for Beauty and the Beast is currently underway, which means that the stars of the movie are lighting up the red carpet. As expected, Emma Watson has been nothing short of ? when it comes to her looks, but surprisingly, there’s someone that is actually out doing her. Or, better yet, out Belle-ing her.

You see, Dan Stevens has completely upped his fashion game for this press tour. Not that he doesn’t look suave and debonair every other day of the year, but he’s ditched the basic black suit and tie for this round of promotion, and is instead option for brighter colors. Specifically, Belle’s colors — blue, green, and so help me, Dan Stevens, if you start rocking a yellow-gold ensemble…

The first event for this Beauty and the Beast bonanza happened in Paris. Emma Watson wore a blue, asymmetrical and hella geometric dress. She looked gorgeous, obviously — but it was Dan who made us do a double take.


Nice olive green suit, Dan. But hmm, that shade of green. Sure looks familiar, huh?


It’s not ever day you see a dude rocking a killer green outfit. It’s also not every day you see a dude rock a BLUE SUIT.

Let’s first acknowledge Emma. As usual, she looks absolutely radiant. BUT DAN.


Oh yes, Dan Stevens went there. At the China premiere of Beauty and the Beast, Dan showed up wearing a blue suit. In your heart, you just know he woke up that morning and thought, “Can I pull off the Peasant Belle look?”


The Beauty and the Beast press tour is far from over (the movie is set to premiere in Los Angeles on Thursday, March 2nd) and who knows where they’ll go from there. More importantly, who knows what Dan Stevens will wear next. If he really wants to complete his Belle collection, he’s missing two colors: Pinkish-red and a sparkly yellow ballgown suit.


Cross your fingers Dan continues to really up his fashion game. A soft shade of pink will look great on him.

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