Dakota Johnson had an…interesting blizzard experience

For years, East-coasters will be telling the story of where they were and what they were doing the day one of the biggest blizzards ever tore through their towns and cities. But, hopefully, their stories will be a little different than Dakota Johnson’s. The How to Be Single star dropped by Late Night with Seth Meyers on Monday, and she told the camera exactly what went down the night the snow first started falling.

Her story begins how a lot of ours probably do: She was outside trying to get home. With the snow slowly picking up speed, there wasn’t a cab in sight, and she was feeling more and more lost before she spotted a figure in the distance. There was something strong about this man, she explained. He had his arms outstretched, welcoming her from the storm into his heart.

Naturally, she approached him, but it turns out he wasn’t at all what she expected. However, that didn’t stop her from falling in love.

Watch Dakota tell the story below!


(Image via YouTube)