Dakota Fanning looks like sunshine in this plunging dress, is lighting up our lives

Are you tired of hearing about Dakota Fanning’s outfit? No? Good. Because even if you were, we were still going to talk about it because we’re basically at the point where we’re going to start our own Pantheon with Dakota Fanning at the center. That’s how on-point her fashion has been lately. We are literally starting a religion based on it. Hey, pastafarianism exists — let us have our dreams, okay?
Yesterday, Dakota attended an event hosted by Elle celebrating women in Hollywood, and now we’re going to celebrate Dakota herself.
She rocked this stunning yellow dress and looks like a literal ray of sunshine. We actually need sunglasses to see her properly. That’s how brightly she shines in this dress.
She’s even wearing matching yellow shoes. TALK ABOUT WALKING ON SUNSHINE, AMIRITE?
We’re also totally obsessed with the Grecian vibes this dress is throwing out. So graceful and pretty. Dakota is embodying the cuter, girlier version of Helios, and we’re allllllll about it. Let your inner goddess shine, girl.
She kept her makeup super demure and low-key, and we love the contrast with the loudly-colored dress. Plus the yellow and her super blue eyes? S T U N N I N G. Plus, that ear cuff. THAT. EAR. CUFF.
AND THEN there was the cherry on top of this sartorial sundae — when she went on stage to speak, Dakota put on these perfect transparent framed glasses. They’re so funky and cute and we neeeeeed a pair.
Ugh. Dakota Fanning, goddess of the sun, bless us with your fashion wisdom.