You must hear Daisy Ridley sing this beautiful broadway classic with Anne Hathaway

Did we know that Daisy Ridley could sing? Okay, yes, we knew that. But did we know that Daisy Ridley can sing beautiful songs from A Chorus Line with Barbara Streisand and Anne Hathaway? Because she just did and it is without flaw!
For Barabara Streisand’s new album, which features her fave movie stars singing Broadway tunes, Daisy and Anne teamed up for the song “At the Ballet.”
It’s adorable because Barbara had no idea that Daisy was as good as she was. And Daisy is super modest when she calls the experience of singing with two Oscar-winning musical theater stars, “slightly daunting.”
You can hear snippets of the song in the video above, which also features Daisy rehearsing her solo in the studio (the best Daisy singing happens at around the 1:50 mark. Trust).
You can also pre-order the whole album which will give you an instant download of “At the Ballet.”