Daisy Ridley just shared a beautiful letter a mom wrote to J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter is more than just a best-selling book series or a successful string of blockbuster hits at the box office. It’s an entire universe that we fell in love with, and it’s filled with characters that we care deeply about. They’re like our friends; we’re deeply invested in their lives. And like all great friends, they’ve been there for us in our hours of need. Especially for one mother named Chrissy Hart.
Hart wrote a very personal, very emotional letter to J.K. Rowling that was read aloud this weekend at Letters Live, a show in London. In her letter, Hart shares with Rowling what she and her daughter learned from Harry Potter and how those lessons helped them through her daughter’s treatment for cancer.
Actress Ellie Bamber had the pleasure of reading Hart’s letter aloud, and it touched the entire room. After the show, actress Daisy Ridley shared the mother’s words on Instagram, and they’re unbelievably beautiful.
Here’s an excerpt from the emotional letter:
Hart goes on to thank Rowling for “[building] Hogwarts as a home” that both she and her daughter can always return to. Because that’s exactly what Hogwarts is: A place that will always be there for us to go back to. And that’s true no matter what battles you’re fighting.
Unfortunately, Hart’s daughter passed away last week. But we’re glad they were able to share the magic of Harry Potter together, and hope Hart will turn to the wizarding world when she misses her little one. As Dumbledore once said, “Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it.”
Read the full letter here. But first, make sure you have plenty of tissues.