This new app promises to be the ‘Instagram for music’

Sure, racking up likes on Instagram is its own worthy endeavor, but for a lot of users, equally addictive is the feed scroll that showcases photo after photo like a digital film strip of selfies, sunsets, and styled food. In one quick and easy scroll, you get literal snapshots into peoples’ lives. Now, what if you could do just that, but with music? If you can’t really wrap your head around the idea, let the new app Cymbal help you.

Created by three undergrad students at Tufts University, Cymbal has a very simple premise: What if, instead of posting pictures, you could post songs? And, what if that meant your profile automatically became a curated playlist, and your newsfeed became a constantly changing playlist too? You can still tag, comment, like, and follow, all digital actions we’re now familiar with. What’s different is just the nature of the thing you’re sharing and how you’re able to interact with it.

Instead of letting users directly upload songs (which could get into legality trickery), creators Gabriel Jacobs, Amadou Crookes, and Mario Gomez-Hall pull songs from Spotify and Soundcloud (sorry, TSwift fans) that can then be shared. There’s still a visual element — the song posts pull album artwork — but overall, the focus is on music sharing that’s not limited to direct messages or just looking at your friends’ listening history.

As Jacobs shares in a profile by Forbes, the idea came from his own personal blog, wherein he reviewed one song a day. That went on for four years, and then Jacobs wanted to open the conversation around sharing music: “I have this blog, but everyone should have this blog.”

Since it went live on May 1, Cymbal has been downloaded on the Apple store over 17,000 times and is valued at $6.1 million, and the co-founding trio (who, all together, have created 34 apps, NBD) is now working on expanding the reach and abilities of the app, forgoing job offers from Microsoft and Google. Download the app here; it only really works when you have friends on the network, so start sharing.

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(Image via.)

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