SO down with the idea of the CW reviving one of our fave spooky franchises

What CAN’T the CW do at this point? The network is already home to so many of our favorite shows, and now, this: the CW is thinking about making a Friday the 13th series.

Say WHAT?! Yes, it’s true. The producer and director behind the Friday movies, Sean S. Cunningham, attended New Jersey’s Monster Mania convention over the weekend, and told the crowd there that the CW was mulling the idea over. But, it wouldn’t be a screen-to-TV like reboot. Instead, it’d be a brand new story set in Crystal Lake. That sounds both spooky and sensational.

According to Cunningham, “the basic premise [for the show] focuses on the REAL city of Crystal Lake, and the effect that the serialized films had on its real life counterpart. This allows them to re-imagine Jason in a more grounded reality, as the films would be based off the real life killings that took place at the camp.” So it’d be a show basically inspired by the movies, and going off of the movies, but set in a more this-is-HAPPENING-IRL reality.

Before you start getting too excited, and start pulling out your old hockey masks (terrifying, BTW), know that they’re still in SUPER early talks for the show. Nothing else has been set, or decided, other than the fact that these “talks” are happening. But still, these talks are happening, people. Hopefully it’s not all talk, and there’s some action. We’re ready for a Friday the 13th every week. Bring it.

Image via here.