Good-bye selfies, hello creepy 3D printed replicas

“In my day, we could only take selfies that were flat.” That’s something that you’re going to be saying to your kids in the not-too-distant future. A German company called DOOB 3D has set up shops in New York City, Detroit and California where you can not only take a selfie, but you can print it in 3D.

This technology was originally used to create prosthetics for cancer and stroke victims, but the creators quickly got wind of its mass-market appeal. Who wouldn’t want to print their own personalized action figure? These replicas are crazy-accurate, full color models that allow the subjects to see, maybe for the first time, exactly what it is they look like. Simply by stepping into a photo booth equipped with 54 DSLR cameras, you’re able to give the printer all the information it needs to create the model. This step is intricate, so it can take up to a day to actually print and perfect the model, but as soon as it’s finished, it’s sent right to your doorstep.

Michael Anderson is the CEO, and he told Mashable just how this new technology is changing people:

While it’s always fun too see yourself in 3D, these figures come with a sentimental aspect as well. In a way, whatever is scanned and created is preserved forever. You can replicate someone important to you, and literally keep them in your pocket wherever you go. You can also make them fight those toy dinosaurs, which is just as important.

(Image via)