We can’t wait for this Courtney Love + Nasty Gal collaboration

For those of us who were pre-teens/teenagers in the 1990s but didn’t have the money to buy the coolest fashions because we were, you know, pre-teens/teenagers, the time has come to rejoice. One of our favorite ’90s rocker chicks, Courtney Love, is teaming up with the Sophia Amoruso-founded clothing company Nasty Gal to bring us an entire line of awesome ’90s-inspired wearables.

Some of you may have already drawn this conclusion (or at least hoped for it) after seeing Nasty Gal’s tease-worthy Instagram post from a couple of days ago, accompanied by a caption that read, “We’ve got a killer collaboration coming soon with one of the baddest bitches of all time. Any guesses?”

Nasty Gal’s Instagram account confirmed Love’s involvement yesterday. And while details about the super-exclusive and sure-to-be-rad collection are under wraps for now, Nasty Gal has launched a contest to give one lucky winner and a pal the chance to fly out to its launch party in Los Angeles on Jan. 13.

The package comes complete with round-trip airfare, a one-night hotel stay, and a $1,000 Nasty Gal shopping spree. Oh, and the chance to hang out with Love and Amoruso (!!!!!). Details on how to enter are here, but hurry, because you can only submit entries through Jan. 4.

We can’t help but make the observation that this is a match made in vintage/grunge-lovers’ heaven. Love and Amoruso are both known for pushing the envelope – the latter in fashion and business, the former in both fashion and life in general. We can’t wait to buy everything that comes out of this collaboration and wear it while we dance around our bedrooms to all our old Hole albums, while reading #GIRLBOSS. Hey, we can multi-task.

(Image via Shutterstock)

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