This is how much it will cost for a *Christmas tree stylist* to help you deck the halls

We all know how expensive Christmas is – all that cheer can really add up. This is true especially if you hire outside help, such as a Christmas tree stylist to deck your tree out like a boss! If you’re wondering, “Does that really exist?”, the answer is a huge, resounding YES!

Between gift-buying for all your loved ones, charitable donations, and all the baking supplies for those cookie exchanges, you’re lucky if you don’t go broke! This is just one more thing to add to your holiday expense list, but it may be well worth it.

At a price tag of $548, you, too, can live out your Christmas dreams! How would you like someone to come in and take over the tree decorating? As we’re quickly approaching the holiday season, The Evening Standard gives all the details on this cool idea and we’re fascinated.

So how does it work exactly?

Order the premium service for a visit from a pro. The charges go towards goods from the John Lewis Christmas shop. Then, everything is delivered (for another fee, of course). If you’re not looking to spend a ton, because, you know, Christmas, no worries! The store also offers a free consultation at their two locations. The qualified staff will tell you everything you need to know about the holidays and your precious tree! Talk about a Christmas miracle!


A fellow John Lewis shopper was quoted sharing his enthusiasm for the tree stylist trend, saying,

“As a nation, we’re getting ever more competitive in ensuring that our tree is the best on the block and we then want to be able to share it on social media in a bid to keep up with the Joneses. We’ve also seen evidence of a rise in the multi-tree household with people purchasing more than one tree and creating more than one look."

We’re definitely hoping this trend hits the states soon (for a lower price, PLEASE) because our trees obviously aren’t going to decorate themselves!

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