Science buffs are hilariously correcting this Gap space shuttle ad on Twitter

Someone at The Gap made a pretty silly science error, and they are seriously paying for it on social media.

To honor its heritage — The Gap was founded in 1969 — the popular clothing brand has launched an ad campaign that features pieces from its denim-focused collection next to random things superimposed with the numeral “1969.” For instance, you would assume that this one references the 1969 Apollo 11 space mission, right? false

Herein lies the problem: Some science buffs on Twitter totally called out the fact that the Saturn V rocket was not a space shuttle, as pictured here. The first space shuttle wasn’t launched until 1981.

Mashable space reporter Miriam Kramer was one of the experts who schooled The Gap on Twitter. false false

But AP science writer Seth Borenstein made another important point about the image. false false

Fed up, someone else went ahead and photoshopped the ad to reference the actual Saturn V rocket that flew astronauts to the moon. false

Actually, according to Popular Science, the shuttle pictured is probably Discovery, which wasn’t launched until 1998.

The Gap soon responded, saying that the date was “not meant to be the shuttle launch date.” Confusing though, no? false false

You said it, Miriam.

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