This congressman’s mom is all of our moms during the #NoBillNoBreak sit-in

Moms. They know you better than anyone else on the planet. They know things before you do. They know things you should be doing before you even do them. And if you resist the wise wisdom of mom…mom will know.

So it’s completely warming our hearts with love and giggles to see that the mom of Representative Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota) happened to see that he wasn’t at the #NoBillNoBreak sit-in happening on the congress floor yesterday, and did what literally all our moms would do. She called his office, wondering where he was, and then asked why he wasn’t on the floor with the rest of his party.

At the time, Ellison (who has held this office since 2007, and was actually the first Muslim to be elected to Congress) was meeting with Trita Parsi (the president of the National Iranian American Council), who first shared the note to Twitter. As Parsi writes, the two were meeting when Ellison’s scheduler walked in, carrying a note from mom. false

Their meeting came to an end, and Ellison made his way to the floor to make his mom — and honestly, all of us, because that sit-in was AH-MAZING — proud by joining in with the others to force a vote for gun control.

Ellison later posted a picture to Twitter of himself sitting on the floor of the house. You know this was like, 90% to show his mom that yes, he had followed her wishes. false

Twitter users were quick to point out that Ellison’s mom is totally a cool mom. false false false false

It doesn’t matter how many terms you serve in the U.S. Congress because mom still always knows best.