All the congratulations to Katherine Heigl & Josh Kelley, who welcome their third baby!

It seems that all the congratulations are in order as Katherine Heigl has given birth to brand new baby boy and we’re so happy for her!
Despite being a mom to two beautiful children already, 8-year-old Naleigh and 4-year-old Adalaide, this was Katherine Heigl’s first pregnancy with her husband of eight years, country music star Josh Kelley. The couple expressed their joy at the news in June last year, with Heigl saying in a statement: “Naleigh and Adalaide could not be more excited to welcome their new sibling into the fold and Josh and I are overflowing with joy and gratitude.”
Well, now it seems that Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelley have welcomed their third baby into their family, a beautiful boy named Joshua Bishop.
The news was announced to People that Heigl had given birth on December 20th, and we couldn’t be happier for her, Josh, Naleigh, Adalaide, and their latest addition Joshua.
When news of her pregnancy broke last year, Katherine Heigl penned a lengthy blog post about her experiences.
"The whole pregnancy thing is new to me but the thrill of having a baby is not," she wrote. "We’ve known for awhile that we wanted to add to our family and frankly didn’t really care how we chose to do that. We were considering adoption again, fostering, or pregnancy if possible. Seeing as I have never been pregnant and as my OB/GYN reminded me last year, I’m of advanced maternal age, I wasn’t sure pregnancy was even in the cards for us. Turns out it was very much in the cards!"
Heigl continued to give people an insight into her experience of being pregnant on her blog, Those Heavenly Days, and in December her mother threw her a stunning baby shower.
"It was a magical night full of love, laughter great food, holiday cheer and anticipation for the new life we are about to welcome into our world," she wrote. "As my mother so eloquently quoted in her beautiful toast to Josh and I, 'Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.'"
We’re so darn happy for Katherine, Josh, and the rest of the family, and wish them well on welcoming baby Joshua into their family!