Conan O’Brien and Kevin Hart go to the gym, mostly make fun of each other

Working out can kind of suck, and sometimes you just need a friendly face to provide some motivation. Or you know…some healthy negging. And Vulture let us know that Kevin Hart and Conan O’Brien hit the gym together, and they had a pretty *special* rapport going on.

Honestly, just seeing these two stand next to each other is cracking us up. Two human beings could not look so different…yet so perfect, side-by-side. Hart even riffs on how ghostly, inhumanly pale Conan is, and we’re still laughing.

"Why is it such a high level of white? It's so white."

And next best was when Conan explains why he doesn’t work out:

"My body wants to get buff, but I don't want to scare my fans," and Hart shoots back with, "You have the body of a Dutch woman."

LOL. They’re so mean to each other, and yet, we want more.


This whole bit basically revolves around two incredibly funny people getting the space and opportunity to do what they do best — be funny, and we could seriously watch them do it all day. In fact, Hollywood, if you’re listening, we straight up demand a Conan/Hart buddy cop film ASAP!

Or at least another sketch please. This comedic chemistry is too good to waste.