This company is offering employees with pets “pawternity leave”

A publishing company in India just introduced “pawternity leave” for its employees, and it definitely needs to be a thing worldwide.

HarperCollins India, which employs more than 200 people out of its Noida office, began offering five working days paid leave to new pet parents.

A new pet requires a lot of attention, and needing to spend more than eight hours a day away from a brand new puppy or kitten, who might not be acclimated to their new environment yet, can deter potential owners from adopting a pet of their own.

According to HuffPost India, this policy aims to encourage more of their employees to adopt pets in need without having to stress about work or money.

via giphy

"We want the very best of work-life balance for our colleagues, and that includes being mindful about their family needs," HCI CEO Ananth Padmanabhan told HuffPost India. "Pet children need as much attention [as human children], if not more. We don't want colleagues to worry about the number of leaves they have before deciding to start a family."

Raise your hand if you want to see this become a worldwide policy.