This comic book author was trolled for portraying a feminist Marvel character, and SERIOUSLY?!

It’s crazy that misogyny and nasty internet trolls still exist in our advanced world, but Entertainment Weekly just let us know that prolific author Chelsea Cain, who recently wrote an installment of the Marvel comic book series Mockingbird, has received a ton of backlash on Mockingbird’s pro-feminist cover.
Cain is a badass writer who has been tirelessly working to upend stereotypes by penning the adventures of Mockingbird (aka Bobbi Morse), a skilled biochemist, feminist and S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who’s one of the eight female avengers (who we’d seriously like to see more of onscreen, btws).
Cain’s recent cover depicts Mockingbird wearing a t-shirt with the slogan: “Ask me about my feminist agenda.” Which you wouldn’t think would be an issue, but…vicious internet harassment ensued.
if you can't take a DRAWING of a free woman in a COMIC BOOK, you need therapy. NOW. you people make fandom suck. go away. #MockingBird
— Thorne Identity (@GeoffThorne) October 27, 2016
Luckily people are banding together in support of Cain, especially Marvel and many within the comic community. Some people are even using the hashtag #StandWithChelseaCain.
harassing comic creators in hope of suppressing their voices is reprehensible behavior. if that's your thing, stop it.#standwithchelseacain
— Sterling Gates (@sterlinggates) October 27, 2016
been in a cave working but hearing what's happening with @ChelseaCain is deeply angering. #standwithchelseacain 100%
— Scott Snyder (@Ssnyder1835) October 26, 2016
Bestselling author Chelsea Cain driven off Twitter by harassment from comics "fans" via @comicsbeat Very sad.
— Margaret E. Atwood (@MargaretAtwood) October 27, 2016
As a @Marvel fan it breaks my heart to see a great writer harassed & chased off for her work. Or for her gender rather. This shit must stop.
— Matthew Rosenberg (@AshcanPress) October 26, 2016
Cain’s Mockingbird series was recently cancelled, but it seems like she’s remaining in good spirits despite the online abuse. Obviously we hope that she continues to explore other strong female characters, because we’re desperate for more who are just like…well, Mockingbird.
Last week, before Cain deleted her Twitter account, she Tweeted: “Mockingbird is canceled. But we need to make sure Marvel makes room for more titles by women about women kicking ass.”
Hopefully, people realize that internet trolling is childish, embarrassing and unacceptable, and most importantly, that there is value in feminist characters who headline their own stories and stand proudly for what they believe in.
So let’s stand up for feminism and bold women everywhere, whether in fiction or real life.