People are getting excited about a possible Hillary Clinton-Elizabeth Warren ticket

As we inch closer and closer to convention time, questions about who the presumptive nominees will choose as their running mates are growing ever-more-anxious. One of the people on Hillary Clinton’s shortlist seems to be Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. Well just this morning, Warren joined Clinton on the campaign trail in Ohio, and people are getting pretty excited. No lies, two women on the ticket would be an entirely historic scenario — no matter where your political affiliations lie.

Warren would be a super high-profile choice for Clinton, and her remarks this morning are a good gauge for how she’d play on the national stage. Warren is strongly outspoken against Trump which would be an important tool in the run-up to the election. Just this morning she said, “When Donald Trump says great, I ask: great for who, exactly? When Donald says he’ll make America great, he means greater for rich guys just like Donald Trump. That’s who Donald Trump is. … And you have to watch out for him, because he’ll crush you into the dirt.” From the sidelines, many supporters are cheering and social media is excited about the historic possibilities of these two as running mates.

false false false Of course, there’s a lot of Clinton/Warren hate as well, particularly from Donald Trump, as well as some from Warren supporters who feel Clinton is not progressive enough. false We’ll have to wait and see how things shake out, but we’re here to say: there’s something beautifully powerful about two strong women taking to the national stage as key players in this election. This is history in the making.

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