Classic Thanksgiving episodes to stream on Netflix while the pies are in the oven
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. It not only kicks off the entire holiday season, but it’s a celebratory day void of the pressures that come with gift giving and receiving. It’s a day all about family, food, and appreciating what we already have. In my opinion, it’s the happiest day of the year. In order to heighten my excitement and get fully in the spirit of the big day, I like to pump myself up by watching a few of the very best Thanksgiving episodes of my favorite shows.
So get those fall candles burning, warm up your cider, and settle in. These fictional Thanksgiving celebrations will have you craving turkey and cranberry sauce in no time:
Gilmore Girls (Season 3, Episode 9): “A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving”
As anyone who has seen an episode of Gilmore Girls knows, those Gilmores can eat! Lorelai and Rory put away more junk food and coffee in a one-hour episode than most of us can imagine consuming in an entire day (week?). In this episode, the mother-daughter duo is up against the ultimate challenge: to make it to four different Thanksgiving celebrations in the same day. The collection of gatherings they attend are not only telling of the eclectic group of humans that the gals surround themselves with, but also their talent for eating more than any other humans on Earth. Like every episode of this show, it’s charming, witty, and will have you singing the theme song at the top of your lungs!
How I Met Your Mother (Season 3, Episode 9): “Slapsgiving”
The “slap bet” was an ongoing story for all nine seasons of How I Met Your Mother, and in this episode, Marshall capitalizes on Barney’s fear that he might be receiving the third slap of five on “Slapsgiving,” a hybrid holiday complete with festive hand-turkey garland. Meanwhile, Ted and Robin spend the day dealing with the aftermath of their inability to remain just friends. It’s hilarious, festive, and filled with entertaining wordplay that will have you flinching in sympathy every time Barney remembers the slap that’s coming.
New Girl (Season 2, Episode 8): “Parents”
Growing up, The Parent Trap was played on a loop in my house, and this episode would imply that the same was true for Jess, who attempts to “parent trap” her divorced parents into a reconciliation when they both attend her Thanksgiving dinner. Even Nick reluctantly gets on board and secretly loves it. Of course, the ploy backfires in the most hilarious and ‘adorkable’ way possible, and you’ll definitely LOL over the relationship between Jess and her parents (played by Jamie Lee Curtis and Rob Reiner).
Parenthood (Season 2, Episode 10): “Happy Thanksgiving”
Parenthood is my favorite show, and the ultimate go-to for heartwarming family drama. This episode deals with the challenges of bringing a big, outspoken family together without too much arguing, including the intricacies of a seating chart that will result in the most peaceful meal possible. The Bravermans remind me of my own big crazy family, and make me realize just how much I look forward to the lovable chaos that ensues on Thanksgiving each year.
Gossip Girl (Season 1, Episode 9): “Blair Waldorf Must Pie”
Gossip Girl wins at Thanksgiving episodes. There’s something about the contrast of the celebrations of the high society Waldorfs and Van der Woodsens with the laid back Williamsburg vibe of a Humphrey Thanksgiving that makes the episodes better than the rest in the series. It also helps that Blair Waldorf is all about Thanksgiving, and her excitement for the holiday is enough to get anyone in the mood for pumpkin pie!
[Images and Netflix]