A city in Michigan banned clowns on Halloween…and we’re actually on board

Update: As of October 23rd, Oak Park officially reversed the ban on clowns after a wave of negative feedback. TBH, we’re almost disappointed?

If you live in Oak Park, Michigan or plan on attending the city’s annual Boo Bash Halloween event next Wednesday, October 31st, you should probably reconsider your costume if you were planning on dressing up as a clown. City officials have banned clown costumes because they are too scary—and honestly, we couldn’t agree more.

According to the city’s event page, the free bash will feature fun activities and snacks like cider and donuts, but no clowning around will be permitted. Recreation Director Laurie Stasiak revealed that the reason they’ve banned clowns costumes is that they’re just too frightening for some children.

"This event is centered around young children, she told the Oakland County Times on Friday, October 19th. "In the past few years, many clown costumes have been given a very scary and evil look."

“Many people have phobias and anxiety about clowns. It’s because of this that we asked people not to dress up as clowns for this community event,” Stasiak added.

Honestly, very freakin’ fair:

We think we can all agree that clowns are scary AF. We’re not quite sure when they went from being fun and goofy to terrifying and murderous, but they did, and we haven’t been the same ever since…

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