This city banned manspreading on public transportation, so maybe these dudes will finally take a hint

In a move that’s left many women wishing their own cities would do the same, the city of Madrid has banned manspreading on public transportation. According to the Spanish news agency The Local, the most obnoxious practice ever has been prohibited across all the city’s public transit services.

Madrid’s Municipal Transportation Company (EMT) has implemented signage in all of its trains and buses that’s intended to dissuade passengers from manspreading and making the ride totally miserable for everyone their vicinity.

“The new information icon indicates the prohibition of taking a seating position that bothers other people, according to a statement issued by the EMT. “It’s to remind transport users to maintain civic responsibility and respect the personal space of everyone on board."

Women in Madrid have been pushing for a manspreading ban for months. A viral petition campaign titled #MadridSinManspreading (#MadridWithoutManspreading) was launched by Mujeres en Lucha and sent to the city’s mayor and regional president.

“Manspreading is the practice of certain men sitting with their legs wide open on public transport, taking up other people’s space. It is not something that occurs sporadically, if you pay attention you’ll see that it is a very common practice," the petition said. “It’s not difficult to see women with their legs shut and very uncomfortable because there is a man next to them who is invading their space with his legs."

Madrid isn’t the first city to take a stand against manspreading — a similar campaign titled “Dude, please stop the spreading” was spearheaded by New York City’s MTA. As a result, New Yorkers must manspread at their own risk — NYPD officers have arrested men for the practice. So, manspreaders of Madrid, consider yourselves warned.

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