Going home for the holidays? These cities have the most luck on Tinder over Thanksgiving weekend

It’s #cuffingseason. You know what that means: time to couple up! Or just cuddle up. Ain’t no surprise that Tinder use increases significantly during Thanksgiving weekend!

According to data from Tinder, there were more than 2.3 million swipes in the U.S. during Tday weekend last year.

Tinder broke the data down geographically, since people tend to search for matches who are nearby.

Tinder Sociologist Dr. Jess Carbino (yes, there is such thing as a Tinder Sociologist), says, “people typically tend to be attracted to those with a similar demographic background – from age, occupation, education and more. Individuals who grow up in the same areas are more likely to have shared experiences, making home a great place for singles with similar values to connect.”

Good old hometown romance.


And with the Passport function, Tinder Plus users can search potential matches in any destination, before they’ve even landed there. [/subheader]


So, you know, you might want to start your swiping now, and get your dates all lined up before you head home for Thanksgiving.


The city with the most matches made during Thanksgiving weekend 2015 was Baltimore, followed by New York City and then Provo, Utah.

Cities with the highest increase in matches, though, were Detroit, followed by Houston, and Washington D.C. Again, though, these are matches in-app.

We’d love to see data on how or if these matches actually turned out IRL…

…’cause we know how it usually goes.

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