Christina Aguilera just changed her hair back to a super classic look and she is killing it

Let’s chat about Christina Aguilera for a little bit.

Back in 1999, her song “Genie In A Bottle” was released — and a lot of us were introduced to it through TRL, the best place to learn about new music. Aguilera, back then, was 19-years-old. And when we saw her on MTV, she looked like a young, happy blonde girl with a pretty awe-inspiring wardrobe.


Of course, Aguilera has gone on accomplish so, so much more since that music video was shot.

She starred in the movie Burlesque, she got married, she had kids, she moved on from her relationship and found a happier one, she was on The Voice, and she sold more than 50 million albums worldwide. And she completed a lot of that with lavender hair, auburn hair, and brunette hair.

Now, let’s get one thing straight — Aguilera looks fantastic with any hair color. But, it was kind of a relief when she recently decided to go back to her roots. Guys, Christina Aguilera is blonde once again.

"Blondes really do have more fun," she noted.

Such a classic look! She credits her stylist Chris Appleton for the beautiful curls shown in the photo.

Now, it’s not like this is the first time Aguilera has been blonde since the late ’90s — not at all. In fact, she was blonde throughout this past season of The Voice. While she likes to experiment with different looks, her fallback always seems to be blonde. Since that’s how we know her best, we’re not complaining.

There’s something extra special about her style today. It’s just another reminder that Aguilera has morphed into such a classy, gorgeous woman throughout her many years in the spotlight. Seeing the most recent photo just brought back all of the feels — and for those who followed her phenomenal career all the way back to The Mickey Mouse Club, it’s even sweeter to see how stunning she still is.


Of course, seeing her back to blonde might want to make you dance around to “Genie In A Bottle” just like you did back in 1999 — and hey, there’s nothing wrong with that.

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