Chrissy Teigen’s latest Snapchat reminds us of that one scary incident she had with jalapeño juice

You remember that one time that everyone’s fave chef Chrissy Teigen made a very big cooking mistake and ended up having to take a milk bath? Well, we’d forgotten too (somehow) until Teigen posted a Snachat that reminded us of her infamous jalapeño incident.

Basically, Chrissy Teigen ended up showering with jalapeño juice on her hands.

Disaster ensued, as is expected when you get JALAPEÑO JUICE on your nether regions.

OMG, Teigen. We can’t lie. We’re crying laughing.

Which led to a hilarious milk bath.

“THANK YOU,” she praised the milk, freed as she was from the spiciness on her SKIN.

Luckily, she laughs about the incident today.

In the Snap, she tells the jalapeños, “Never again, dude. Zip gloves to protect my hooha.


We feel you, Chrissy. We wouldn’t risk it either!


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