Chris Rock just sold Girl Scout cookies at the Academy Awards, so he’s pretty much Dad of the Year
Oscar host Chris Rock isn’t nominated in any categories tonight, but we’re pretty sure he just won an honorary award for Dad of the Year. In between award presentations, he brought his daughters’ Girl Scout troop into the audience to sell cookies. That’s right. We just saw Leonardo Dicaprio get his Thin Mint on at the Oscars. It was every bit as epic as it sounds.
Right this very second, Mindy Kaling is noshing on Samoas at the Academy Awards. NBD.
We’re thinking if Rock’s daughters don’t win the troop award for most cookies sold, they’ve still got bragging rights for selling their cookies to Hollywood’s elite. Just saying. Way to go, Chris Rock. Pay attention, dads. This is how it’s done.
And the final tally, for how much the troop made? $65,243. That’s a LOT of cookies.