Whoa. Chris Pratt predicted he would star in ‘Jurassic World’ back in 2010 — and it’s on video

Chris Pratt: Hollywood leading-man, Guardian of the Galaxy, raptor expert, lead singer for Mouse Rat, psychic? All these titles might be true. Back in 2010, Pratt made a throw-away joke about being cast in Jurassic Park 4. Fast forward five years and lo and behold, guess what?

It seems unbelievable, but it’s 100% real, and we’ve got the video to prove it. The backstory to this Jurassic joke brings us to the early days of Parks and Recreation (miss you, Pawnee). For some behind-the-scenes footage for Season 2, Pratt was given a camera. And from the looks of it he was just told to “go nuts.” So what does he do? He hits record, and then gets a “message” from someone very important. But, you know, Pratt’s really important himself, so he doesn’t have time to talk to Steven Spielberg right now, OK?

As Pratt’s texting Spielberg back, telling him how busy he is, he makes the joke, “I’ll have to get back to you later about Jurassic Park 4.” It’s a joke. In 2010. And it’s a funny joke, and back in 2010 I bet we all laughed because like, Andy Dwyer? Jurassic Park? Nah, it’ll never happen.

OH, but it did, you guys. It did.

So clearly 2010 Pratt had some crazy insight into the future. Our 2010 selves probably couldn’t even fathom loving Pratt any more than we did back then — but look where we are now. 2015, and our love for Pratt burns like 5,000 candles in the wind. Now turn your attention to Pratt’s psychic moment, which just gets more amazing each time you watch it.

Image via here.