Chris Pratt showed his love for Anna Faris on Instagram in the most adorable way

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris seem like so much fun. They seem like the down-to-Earth couple you wanna hang out with on a low-key night when you’re not interested in impressing anybody. We bet they’d be into just going bowling, grabbing some beers, and ordering a pizza (okay, a few pizzas) and talking about whatever’s on your mind. They also seem like they REALLY love each other, which we think is super adorable.
Remember that time Chris wrote Anna a love letter during his Reddit AMA? Or how they support each other’s dreams, no matter what, or how wacky? They’re constantly showing each other love, in their own special way, and we think that’s great.
Chris showed us all just how much he loved Anna in this special Instagram shout-out yesterday by posting a photo and video of Anna on the beach with hilarious captions. The first photo is of Anna, seemingly confused and somewhat tangled up in kite-strings. The caption says, “My wife is all things… Lover. Actor. Mother. Kite master.” Aww!
Shortly after, he posted a video proving her kite-master skills. In the video, she’s standing with the kite, waiting for the wind to do its job. He’s encouraging her, and yelling at the wind, “Come on, come on wind! It’s almost up!” How supportive!
Their 7th wedding anniversary is this Saturday (the 9th!) and we wish them many more years of love, support, and silliness.