Chris Pine just debuted a shaved head, because who needs hair?

Sometimes, the best way to celebrate the start of warmer weather is by getting a haircut. Chris Pine shaved his head, and the springtime sun might have definitely inspired him a bit. Because one thing’s for sure — it’s not for an upcoming role.

Of course, Pine (who we know and love due to the most recent Star Trek movies) admitted the incredible reason as to why his locks had to go. That reason? Boredom.

Pine admitted to E! News’ Marc Malkin that he was home sick and watching a Homeland marathon when the inspiration struck. Since we’re typically inspired to sleep when we’re hit with an illness like the flu, we have to say that we’re pretty impressed by Pine’s drive.

Here are a few pictures of Pine rocking the look at CinemaCon 2017:


We have to admit, the lack of hair truly makes his blue eyes pop.


He seems pretty pleased with his handiwork. It was made pretty obvious that Pine got rid of it himself with a razor.

Pine’s last red carpet look at January’s Golden Globes included longer locks and a beard, so it’s definitely a shock to see him look so fresh-faced.

According to Pine, the last time his hair was this short (or, non-existent) was back when he was a young teenager. While we totally loved his hair, he’s definitely a celebrity who can flawlessly pull off the bald look! It’s the best of both worlds for Pine.

We can’t wait to see what Pine looks like in his two upcoming, highly anticipated films — A Wrinkle in Time which is set for 2018, and Wonder Woman, which will be released later this year!

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