Chris Hemsworth Just Wanted to Share a Photo With His Son, but His Brother’s Got Jokes
Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

Listen, if it were us, we wouldn’t mess with Chris Hemsworth, a.k.a. Thor, a.k.a. the dude with all the abs and arms the size of trucks, a.k.a….the dude who skipped leg day? Brother Luke Hemsworth came for Chris after the Infinity War actor shared a cute picture with his son on Instagram, and we can’t stop laughing.
“Holding my little man’s hand and asking him the age old question. ‘What do you want to be when you grow up,'” Chris wrote in the caption of his post. “‘Dad I wanna be Superman’ Lucky I have two other kids.”
And though we got a chuckle out of the Marvel vs. DC caption, it was brother Luke that really made cackle.
Bro?! You’ve been skipping leg days again?! Luke commented. Sadly, once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
Luke’s comment was liked over 75,000 times because, well, he’s right—and, like, brutally so. It’s gotta be the angle, right? It just has to be.
Luckily, Chris’s comments section only kind of turned into a massive pile-on regarding those legs. Jason Momoa, a.k.a. Aquaman, a.k.a. another dude we certainly wouldn’t mess with, commented, “yeah wolf wanted to be batman,” about his own son’s longing to be a rival superhero. Someone else wrote, “MCU & DC cross over?”
The leg jokes continued across social media—all in good fun, because we know Chris is still a massive man who could pummel, well, probably anyone.
Despite the leg situation, Chris’s arms are not something to be trifled with. But still…we’d like to see the text message chain between brothers that must have happened after this comment went mini-viral on Chris’s post. “The leg comment” will now be a hilarious bone of contention that will chaos minor chaos at family gatherings for decades to come.