Chris Hemsworth is the dreamiest receptionist in new “Ghostbusters” photos

We’ve been loving every photo update we’ve received of the Ghostbusters ladies on set. Like, every time we see Melissa McCarthy wearing a proton pack we have to remind ourselves to use our inside voices lest we bust nearby eardrums with our screams.


That said, ever since Chris Hemsworth was announced as the reboot’s receptionist Kevin, we have had SO many questions. Specifically, how closely would Mr. Hemsworth’s desk dude resemble original Ghostbusters‘ receptionist Janine Melnitz (played most iconically by Annie Potts)? Would he rock a pair of sassed-up specs? Would he have a sassed-up attitude to match?

Questions, questions.


Welp, it looks like we have some answers. The Ghostbusters website just released new photos and we have our first shot of The Hems as Kevin. Ace eyewear, check. Bomb vest, check. Attitude for days, check, check, check.


Aaaaand, now we’re REALLY hoping that Hemsworth’s role sets a short-sleeve button up/vest/tie trend and we all bite his style for years to come. It could happen, guys. Remember, cargo pants were once a thing.

Along with a first glance at Hemsworth’s Kevin, we also got some great shots of our ladies, who are also giving us some serious eyewear goals.

Melissa McCarthy:


Kate McKinnon (And the vest! And the tie! We need eight vests and nine ties in our closet ASAPPPP)


Leslie Jones:


And Kristen Wiig:


So excited, too excited.

(Images via Columbia Pictures/Giphy, Columbia Pictures )

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