This is not a drill: Chocolate Peanut Butter Twinkies are coming, because dreams do come true

If you’ve ever thought to yourself, Man, I haven’t thought about Twinkies in a while, do we have some exciting news for you. The sugary convenience store vices are joining the chocolate and peanut butter canon with a new flavor called Chocolate Peanut Butter.
Yes, you read that correctly: Chocolate Peanut Butter Twinkies are coming. And they’re coming ASAP.
This isn’t the first time Hostess has experimented with the classic treat. Earlier this year, they released a delicious Twinkies ice cream flavor. Last summer, they created Deep Fried Twinkies. Now, we’re so pleased that Twinkies have joined the ranks of such storied sweets as Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and Peanut Butter M&Ms. Hostess has finally realized the glorious reliability of combining chocolate and butter of the peanut into a single fluffy experience. It’s always good.
Close your eyes and imagine this new world with us.
Bite into that slightly chemical-tasting chocolate sponge cake on a summer afternoon.
Your eyes light up as your mouth happens upon that gooey PB filling.
Now imagine this delicious, not-so-nutritious food fried up in a skillet and served to you by your mom.
Wow, what a journey. And the best part is, these new and improved Twinkies might be available at your store right now, a Hostess spokesperson told BuzzFeed Food. GO GO GO.
"The product has started flowing into local grocery and mass retailers and will be available nationwide in the coming weeks."
Some lucky shoppers have already spotted them in the wild!
Sometimes it feels like there is nothing much for us to take joy in right now. Mitigate your pain a little with one of these gorgeous specimens. And the best part is, now that you’re an adult with more ~sophisticated~ tastes, you can savor your new Chocolate Peanut Butter Twinkie with a glass of Pinot Noir or six.
Eat up, my children!