The Chiron Retrograde Is Happening—Here’s What This Means For Your Zodiac Sign
Your past wounds will resurface now.

Chiron is a centaur (a large celestial body that isn’t quite as big as a planet, but still big) that represents our deepest wounds that take a lifetime to heal. The center Chiron is known to help others mend their hearts and feelings but isn’t known to comprehend how to evolve its own life.
Currently, Chiron is in Aries, which means that you are working on alleviating pain from your childhood or youth, as Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is associated with childlike emotions.
From July 15th to December 19th, the centaur Chiron will be retrograde. During this time, you will work on dealing with issues from the past that are currently affecting your present situation. It’s a time of healing, which means that wounds will be opened. But, you will work on mending them.
Below is your Chiron retrograde horoscope. Make sure to read your rising sign, too.
In order to heal the past, you have to put yourself first no matter what. Do not feel guilty for being selfish. It’s the only way in which you can mend your heart and emotions in order to become the best version of yourself. Focus on your needs and desires.
On the quest for healing, you may decide to go on the transformative journey alone. This means disengaging from those with who you’re close with to make changes in your emotional life. The caveat is that you’ll get lonely, which is why you shouldn’t go about this alone without your friends.
Taking a motivational or self-help class will help boost your inner morale. Also, connecting with a humanitarian endeavor will make you feel as though you’re healing through the work that you do. It is extremely important to align yourself with the community and others to implement self-improvement into your life.
There is a tendency to be a workaholic to escape a lot of the problems that you have in your personal life. Instead of running towards work to find comfort, try dealing with issues head-on. The reason for doing this is to create a work-life balance in your life.
A new and exciting spiritual endeavor will help you find your place in the world. You may even go on to teaching the new philosophies that you’re embracing. By letting others learn from your challenges and obstacles, you will feel complete and be able to heal most of your past upsets.
Stop rationalizing your emotions and lean into your feelings. The moment you begin to address the feeling you have within yourself, it’ll help you understand the responses you give to others and the personal triggers you have. That way you can deal with the proper way to handle them.
Setting boundaries with those with who you’re close with is extremely important, especially for yourself right now. Learning that you were not one with your partner by being less codependent and have a separate identity away from the relationship is pivotal towards your emotional, mental, and spiritual growth at this time.
At times you can be overly obsessive about your personal health matters and a bit of a hypochondriac. Rather than ruminate over and over about your own health, take action and go to a doctor to ensure you are okay. This will help to put your mind at ease.
Embracing a hobby or project from the past will help soothe your soul and heart. You will be able to find solace and reprieve from all of the negative feelings that are within you by aligning with an endeavor that allows you to connect to your creative and artistic passions.
Look through old photographs and pictures of your family and ancestors. By connecting with the familial bonds from yesteryear, you’ll be able to find a deeper foundation and your personal footing in life. Also, you’ll feel as though your family is around you and giving you love at all times.
Oftentimes, you critique others as a way to show that you care. Your family did that to you. You can share your opinions with others to help them blossom, but try to do so in a loving way. Then, they won’t feel as though you are being mean or negative.
The emotional wounds that you felt in your youth may resurface. Instead of feeling like you aren’t cool enough to sit at the lunch table with the popular crowd, plan a brunch at a swank restaurant with members of your current squad. You’ll heal past insecurities felt from high school.