This adorable Chihuahua was born with only two legs, but prosthetic wheels have given her new life

Most dogs are pretty darn cute, and we like to talk about our love for them on a regular basis. But just when we thought nothing could possibly be more adorable than Toby LittleDude, the hipster dog of Instagram, a two-legged Chihuahua named Daffodil came around and stole out hearts! Literally.
This sweet creature was born with only her back legs, making mobility virtually impossible. As if that wasn’t a hard enough struggle, Daffodil’s Facebook page reports that she was abandoned and found in a box on the streets of San Francisco last year.
Luckily, a nice man named Jene scooped her up, wrapped her in his t-shirt, and took her to the San Francisco SPCA, where the staff members instantly fell in love with her. In order to show Daffodil how much they wanted her to live her best life, they created a tiny set of prosthetic wheels so that Daffodil could get around and play with ease.
Naturally, Daffodil has her own Instagram account which chronicles her special journey (with the hashtag #DaffodilOnWheels).
As you might have gathered, Daffodil is a super confident lady…
… who gets around like a BOSS.
It’s clear that Daffodil is living a pretty happy life, and inspiring other canines to do the same.
All this excitement makes Daffodil kinda sleepy.
Nap time for Daffodil.
But not for too long! There’s adventures to be had!
And treats to stumble upon!
All the love to this little nugget. We hope that Daffodil lives a long, happy life.