There was a mini “Sex and the City” reunion at the premiere of Sarah Jessica Parker’s new show

Last night, there was a fabulous blue carpet for the premiere of the new HBO comedy, Divorce, starring Sarah Jessica Parker. We are really excited for the new show, which looks like it takes a realistic view of marriage and divorce, but what we were most excited for on the blue carpet was a mini reunion with the stars of one of our favorite classic HBO shows: Sex and the City.

On the blue carpet, Sarah Jessica Parker had a mini reunion with Cynthia Nixon, who played Miranda, and Mario Cantone, who played Anthony.


So sweet! These three look as fierce and as fashionable as they did in the fashion-forward show.  Sarah looks like royalty in her lacy, bejeweled purple dress. And Mario’s navy suit with his Jackson Pollock-esque tie is perfectly on point. We also love the unique stripe pattern of Cynthia’s chic dress.

It seems like only yesterday, Miranda and Carrie were gabbing as they walked the streets of NYC.

And it looks like Cynthia and Sarah haven’t missed a beat since their show ended as they giggled like BFFs.

And Anthony looked a little out of place on the red carpet in the show.

But in reality, Mario knows how to rock it.

Look at all the SATC love happening here! Totally heartwarming.