Charlie Puth just had a LOT to say about the Bella Thorne and Tyler Posey situation on Twitter, and things seem intense

Okay, so there has been a lot of speculation over whether or not Bella Thorne is dating musician Charlie Puth lately (like, a LOT), as well as whether or not it’s totally over with actor Tyler Posey (of Teen Wolf fame). We haven’t weighed in since we like to have actual — you know — confirmed facts before jumping to conclusions (crazy, we know).

But it’s starting to look like Puth is removing himself from the Thorne/Posey situation completely. Because well, he outright said it on Twitter.

For those out there who haven’t been following what’s been going on (which, as much as we love some good celebrity gossip, is MORE than understandable), Thorne and Posey had a whirlwind romance this past fall, but seemed to have officially called it quits. And lately, Thorne has been seen getting very close to Charlie Puth (but absolutely nothing has been confirmed as official).

However, Puth just seemed to make things very clear in a series of Twitter posts.

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Woah! This situation just got INTENSE! And while we still don’t want to jump to conclusions — because it sounds like this is one part of a three-person story (and thus, we’re missing two other whole sides and perspectives) — we think it’s safe to say that things are probably tense between Bella and Charlie right now.

  And to this, all we can really say is that dating is HARD, and dating in the public eye must be even harder. So we’re hoping everyone involved is doing okay and also hope things get worked out in the long run.

Now excuse us while we go light some scented candles and put on some easy-listening. This situation has us second-hand stressed!

H/T Perez

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