11 TV characters we wish we could have over for Christmas

Christmas usually means a day full of food, drink, friends, and family. And while we’re super excited to spend Christmas with family and all of that, we deeeefinitely wish we could invite some of our most beloved figures over for holiday dinner…by which we mean our favorite television characters. We spend enough time with them Netflix and chilling that we may as well be in a relationship with them. This got us thinking about what an incredible Christmas we could have if we could invite our favorite characters to join us in the festivities.

It was reeeeally hard to pick, but here are our top eleven (okay, it’s technically fourteen, but shhhh) picks for our ~imaginary~ and super perfect Christmas party.

1. The Gilmore Girls

Yeah, whatever, it’s three people, but I think we can all agree that they’re better together.

2. Tommy Shelby

Literally just so we can stare into his eyes and listen to his accent. We’re shallow, sue us.

3. Buffy Summers

But only if she comes without, y’know, all of the appocalypsey baggage.

4. River Song

Is there anyone more guaranteed to come along with a good time? The answer is NO. We’d also accept Alex Kingston as Naomi Shropshire from Gilmore Girls. Honestly, we’ll take Alex Kingston however we can get her.

5. Poussey Washington

Because she’s FINE, okay? Nothing happened to our sweet baby and she’s FINE.

6. Rogelio de la Vega

Let’s be real, we’d take any character from Jane the Virgin, but we just feel like Rogelio would be a good time. And he’d have soooo many stories to tell, even if they’re not true.

7. Phryne Fisher

Instantly turn any party into a ~murder mystery~ party.

8. Eleven

We’ll have Eggo waffle appetizers ready for her.

9. Ginny Baker

Is there anything more fabulous than having one of the most famous women in sports at your table?


10. Sansa Stark

Because girlfriend really deserves a holiday and some lemon cakes.

11. Cookie Lyon

It’s not a party without Cookie Lyon. She can leave the fam behind this holiday though because (a) we don’t want to deal with the drama and (b) she def deserves some time off from their antics.

BBL, just daydreaming about the best party ever.