The trailer for Channing Tatum and Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s Romanian cop show spoof is here, and it is glorious

Question: What do you get when you combine Channing Tatum, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Communism, the Cold War and a whole lot of ’80s music?
Well, that’s the most spoof-tacular gem of recent time, Comrade Detective, which hits Amazon Prime on August 4th.
Please buckle up…because it’s gonna be a pretty weird ride.
Basically, at the start of the series’ delightfully tongue-in-cheek trailer, Tatum receives a VHS tape of a forgotten Romanian propaganda show called Comrade Detective, which causes him to promptly feel many emotions and demand a glass of vodka from his assistant. It turns out he’s been waiting to bring this story to American TV for a long, long time.
After popping in the tape, we’re immersed in a tale thick with satire and clichés. The story centers on two Romanian cops (voiced by Tatum and Gordon-Levitt) and a whole slew of other voiceovers courtesy of literally every A-lister you know and love. We’re talking Nick Offerman, Mahershala Ali, Jenny Slate, Chloe Sevigny, Kim Basinger, Jake Johnson, the list goes on and on.
There’s also a creepy killer wearing a Ronald Reagan mask, and some truly terrible (but that’s what makes it wonderful!) dubbing.
Tatum took to Twitter to inform viewers that they’re *not* ready for the madness that’s going to play out with the series.
And after watching that trailer, we gotta say that he’s probably, most definitely correct. Even so, we’re ~beyond~ stoked.
Y'all aren't ready for what I've been working on with @freeassocla & @a24. Comrade Detective. August 4th on @amazonvideo. #comradedetective
— Channing Tatum (@channingtatum) June 29, 2017
On top of all the buzz surrounding the series, we’re pretty excited in general to see the whole Tatum and Gordon-Levitt bromance play out onscreen — even though we won’t actually get to see them onscreen, for the most part.
The two of have been buds for a long time, and are so close that Tatum once took the liberty of breaking into Gordon-Levitt’s apartment — you know, to prove a point. Per Gotham Magazine, Tatum reminisced on his “uniquely interesting” time in New York with Gordon-Levitt, and Gordon-Levitt responded as follows:
"You mean the time you climbed up the space of my apartment, broke into my house, and surprised me when I was sleeping in order to prove that I should probably take better care to protect myself because if you were ill intentioned you could have murdered me? That time?"
Yup. True friendship goals, right there.