This cat and his dedicated squad of dog minions is officially taking the best selfies in the game

We hate to break it to you, but just in case you were riding high, thinking you were totally crushing the 2017 game, know that one (very) little guy totally has you beat: Manny the Selfie Cat, who now hangs with dogs, is pretty much the only one doing this godforsaken year right.

As Manny’s human friend @yoremahm told Mashable last year when his account first went viral, the cat’s perfect-looking, species-defying selfies are actually a trick of the camera, as the little fella really just loves to swat at the family’s GoPro.

“He just reaches for the GoPro and it takes about two seconds,” he said, adding that the photo shoots happen quicker than you would imagine.

We believe that this is true, though Manny’s latest selfie also has us thinking that the cat has adjusted his methods at some point within the last 365 days — because, like, how do you explain a photo as perfect as this?

Literally every creature in that photo is sporting an identical mean mug. You cannot tell me that’s the result of one solitary cat swatting at a GoPro.

Manny has taken some pretty amazing selfies with his pup friends before, but from where we’re sitting, nothing quite compares to the one you see above. (Though the one below comes really, really close.)

This is undoubtedly the most collectively photogenic group of pets we have ever seen.

In good times and in bad, Manny remains photogenic as hell.

Much like Kylie Jenner, dude just knows his angles.

@Yoremahm also told ABC News that, while he and his wife have four dogs and three additional cats, Manny is “probably the most intelligent, inquisitive cat we’ve ever had.”

“He is very curious, and whenever I take pics of my dogs, he basically ‘photobombs’ the camera and tries to take it from me,” Ahm said.


After all, Manny knows who his true friends are.

Love live Manny, a cat who knows his worth — and that any self-respecting cat would never, ever let himself be upstaged by a bunch of lesser dogs.