This cat goes to high school, and he’s got the student ID to prove it

The school year has barely begun, and we’ve already found our favorite student of the year. No one ever said the student of the year needs to be able to read… or be a human, right?

Bubba, the outdoor cat, hangs out at the high school and middle school down the road from his house in San Jose, California. Like, all the time. His owner, Amber Marienthal says that she and her family originally thought Bubba was an indoor cat, but he quickly let them know (with meowing and wailing — as cats do) that he much preferred to be outside — specifically, outside at Leland High School or Bret Harte Middle School. Since he spends so much time on both campuses, he has become somewhat of a catlebrity with the students.

Bubba attends classes on the regular, but from the looks of it, he does more sleeping than learning.

Once he was accidentally locked in a classroom for 36 hours, but thanks to his super loud meows, a security guard heard him and set him free. But the experience didn’t keep him from his rigorous school schedule. “He waits for school to start, and he doesn’t come home until all the sports are done,” Marienthal told San Jose Mercury News. “As long as he’s alive, I think he’ll hang out at the school.” Naturally, he has a lot of fans at the school—some students have been pushing for a statue to be raised in his honor. In the meantime, he’s been featured on the cover of the school paper and was even issued his own school ID.

He also knows which classrooms to visit for the goods. “One teacher made the mistake of buying treats for him,” Marienthal said. “Bubba would [sit outside his classroom and] meow for treats.” Yeah, he probably got them. But his classmates aren’t his only fans. He has his own Facebook page that has almost 8,000 likes.

Hopefully he’ll be able to keep his grades up and get a scholarship to college. It’ll obviously need to be a local college so he can walk to classes. We love you, Bubba.

(Featured image via Facebook)


Scientific proof that cats do life better than dogs