This cat gets a cone, promptly becomes Internet superstar

One day you’re minding your own business, just stretched out on a sunny windowsill and the next, you’re the star of the Internet. At least that’s the case if you happen to be Albert the cat.

Look out, Grumpy Cat. Albert’s star is on the rise. His fans (who’d never even heard of him a few days ago) total in the millions. MILLIONS. How exactly did he reach such overnight stardom?

By being photographed wearing the legendary “cone of shame.”

OMG — did that just happen? (Yes, it did.) Poor Albert. He looks more like a furry martini than an actual cat. He also looks angry. Like, REALLY angry. But hey, you’d probably be angry too if you’d suffered the indignity of being stuck in a hard plastic cone. Oh, and then everyone on the interwebs had a good laugh at your expense… (We’re laughing with you, Albert. Not at you…mostly.)

Albert lives in Portland, Oregon, with his pet parent, Jean Baker. After the kitty had a cyst removed earlier this week, he was forced to wear a cone to prevent him from pulling out his stitches (ouch!). Jean snapped the hilarious picture of Albert, then shared it with a friend who posted it on Imgur, where it was an instant hit. (Because everyone knows cats RULE the Internet.)

Albert’s photo was viewed more than 2 million times in just 7 days. We may have looked at it a half million times or so, but those other 1.5 million views are totally legit. What’s Albert doing now that he’s a celeb? Expanding his social media presence. (As one does.) He’s on Instagram now, where you can see more photos of him wearing his cone:

As well as sporting a chic camouflage “surgical suit,” to protect his sutures.

So basically, Albert is making a career out of looking amazing in his post-surgery accessories. #winning

Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery for this adorably angry kitty!

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