More cashier-less Amazon stores will soon be opening up around the U.S.

If you didn’t already think we were being replaced by robots, Amazon announced today that it will open six more cashier-less Amazon stores this year, so yeah. It’s happening, whether you like it or not.

For those who aren’t familiar with the new chain, the cashier-less Amazon Go store basically allows you to shoplift legally. Well, not quite, but it sort of feels like it.

The stores’ super high-tech system has you scan your phone upon entrance. Then, you grab your food off the shelf, and once you’re finished shopping, you can walk right out of the store. Without needing to see a cashier. You know, a living person. That’s because you are automatically charged the right amount for your purchase upon exiting — thanks to your phone — so there’s no need for any social contact if you don’t want it.

Obviously, the idea seemed a little cray when the first cashier-less Amazon store opened last month in Seattle, but apparently people like it enough for more locations to open.

The flagship store is basically a convenience store and serves up packaged snacks and meals, as well as beer and wine. The new Amazon stores, including ones in Los Angeles as well as additional stores in Seattle, will follow the same format, but it’s safe to assume that the brand could eventually expand into a full-blown grocery store format.

The conglomerate is hoping to have as much success with its Amazon Go stores as it has had with Amazon Prime by providing fast, efficient service for customers — a lofty goal.

We love Prime and all, but we also love jobs and people. Jobs and people are good. We’re not sure we’re totally on board with these Amazon stores, but we’re willing to give them a try.

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