The last thing Carrie Fisher and Billie Lourd ever did together was watch an episode of “Scream Queens”

It’s no secret that Billie Lourd has had a difficult last year — losing her mom Carrie Fisher and grandmother Debbie Reynolds in the span of two days — but in a new cover for Town & Country, the Scream Queens actress opened up about the last time she and her mom were together.

Lourd, in the conversation with longtime family friend Sarah Paulson, revealed that the last thing she and Fisher did together was watch Scream Queens as Fisher gave some of her legendary advice. Lourd told Paulson that she wasn’t feeling particularly confident about a few of her scenes in the show, so Fisher and Lourd watched the scenes together.

"The last time I saw her in person, this episode of Scream Queens was on, and it was a big episode for me. I had tons of scenes, and I was so hard on myself about it — I hated how I looked, hated my performance," Lourd revealed. "I was really frustrated. She told me, 'Come over right now. I want to watch this with you.' And she made me sit down and watch it, and she forced me to see the good parts. She was incredible like that. But she was really hard on me, saying, 'Shut up, you’re great in this. Have faith in yourself. Be more confident.'

We love this so much.

Lourd also opened up to Paulson about how much her life has changed since her famous mom and grandmother died. She said, “I’ve always kind of lived in their shadows, and now is the first time in my life when I get to own my life and stand on my own. I love being my mother’s daughter, and it’s something I always will be, but now I get to be just Billie.”

We love that Billie is opening up about life without her mom and grandmother on her own terms. We can’t wait to see the actress in American Horror Story: Cult!