Carly Rae Jepsen plays house in the “Super Natural” video

When “Super Natural,” Carly Rae Jepsen’s collaboration with experimental pop artist Danny L Harle dropped last week, we were agog at the shimmery song itself — and also at the *look* she was sporting in a promo pic:

And now we finally have an idea of how that hyper-blonde bob fits in with the song’s video concept. While the lyrics are the stuff of a sugary-sweet love song, the video from “Super Natural” takes its title quite literally, offering up a vision of a super-enhanced house party:

What does that, uh, mean? Well, with Harle (who’s part of the experimental, tongue-in-cheek collective PC Music) playing the part of a realtor with the company Huge, Jepsen is introduced as a housewife living in what looks like a cross between Pleasantville (though in color) and the Stepford community. She’s shown a gorgeous house populated by equally gorgeous people, all living their best juice-filled life:


After that… things start to get fabulously weird. Tube lights appear! Jepsen DJs while wearing this outfit!


White-blonde traded for frazzled orange (which reminded me of this hair), Jepsen throws off the restraints of her Stepford ensemble and fully embraces this new scene, which is, shall we say, super natural? Jokes aside, it’s a really clever concept rendered at the perfect intersection of creepy and jubilant, which is to say, authentically fun. Jam out via the track above.