Carice van Houten from “Game of Thrones” is doing her pregnancy right

Her Game of Thrones character may have made some controversial decisions on the show, but Carice van Houten’s real-life decisions are hardly questionable. The performer is constantly posting delightful pics to her Insta that make us want to be just like her.
The actress (who’s pregnancy announcement was legendary) has been posting the most entertaining updates on her upcoming (shadow?)baby. And while there’s obviously no “right” way to go through a pregnancy, she seems to definitely be taking time to relax and respect her body throughout the process. And from the looks of the soft smile on her gorgeous and make-up free face, it’s only adding to her beautiful pregnant glow.
It’s fun to learn more about Carice as we also learn more about her GoT character, Melisandre, throughout the years. Both are totally fascinating people (even if one is arguably significantly more, well, zealous than the other). We have no doubt that when her (real) baby does come, it’ll be just as gorgeous on the inside and out as Carice.