Cara Delevingne has a totally awesome outlook on aging

As we all know, getting older takes some getting used to. And all things considered, Cara Delevingne has a totally awesome outlook on aging. The supermodel actress finds that feeling good is equally important to looking good. Her encouraging words are helping young women find confidence in themselves.

Of course, with her skills and vivacious personality, Cara Delevingne has nothing to worry about. At 25-years-old the fashion trailblazer is setting the trends, not following them. Millions of people look up to her. Young women especially enjoy her free spirit and ability to talk about difficult topics. She gives us face, with a side of sage advice.

On the tough topic of aging, here’s what she recently told People:

Bring it on lines! I think lines are experience, says Delevingne. “Women should accept that aging is a beautiful thing, it’s part of life, it’s not something you should fight, but something you should embrace.

Cara Delevingne is not the first celebrity to have such a totally awesome outlook. Gabrielle Union gave some serious pointers to ladies in the past, stating that looking good is all about saying no to things you don’t want to do. Putting yourself first isn’t selfish, it’s for your health! Even Lady Gaga expressed how excited she is to get older.  We’re glad all of these ladies see no reason to hide their faces at any age.

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