This video of Cara Delevingne surrounded by a giant bubble is spooky and mesmerizing and we can’t stop watching
With Halloween just around the corner, it looks like even celebrities are getting ready for the annual festivities. Most have already picked out their Halloween costumes, their spooky house decorations, and have candy handouts ready for trick-or-treaters. But not everyone is posting mesmerizing videos like Cara Delevingne. Her Instagram account is full of memorable photos, but it’s her latest video that has gotten our attention.
It seems like Cara’s mystical counterpart in Suicide Squad has rubbed off on her, because these bubbles are mystifying. Everyone has an inner kid that just wants to play with bubbles — Cara just lets her inner kid show!
And the best part is that fellow model Lily Donaldson is in the video with her. The two look like they had a really fun night, made better with some soapy shenanigans.
If you need any more reason to envy Cara — besides her modeling career and her movie career — you might want to check out her Instagram for more ammo. She always seems to be hanging with the coolest people and doing the coolest stuff.
I mean, she hangs out with tigers on her off days and jets off to amazing concerts at night. Not too shabby!
If you’re feeling a bit jealous, we can’t help you in terms of getting supermodel besties or helping you become rich over night. But we can tell you a way to make your own giant bubbles!
According to the recipe on Happy Hooligans, you’ll need 6 cups of water, 1/2 cup blue Dawn dish detergent, 1/2 cup of corn starch, 1 tablespoon of baking powder, and 1 tablespoon of glycerine. Then, just get a shoelace and tie it in a large circle. Dip the string in the mixtures and create giant bubbles! Cara would be proud.