These captivating miniature Wes Anderson scenes are made entirely of paper

Mar Cerdà is an illustrator based in Barcelona who takes her drawings to the next level — she turns them into marvelous miniature paper dioramas. And lucky for us, she shares all of her work on Instagram.

Some of her most popular subjects are Wes Anderson films. Mar has captured the magic of some of the director’s most whimsical and most-loved movies. She spares no details, from tiny stamped and addressed letters to Margot Tenenbaum’s wooden finger. Check out some of her best pieces — they’re breathtaking!

Look at this beautiful concierge desk from The Grand Budapest Hotel. Everything from the columns to the lamps to the floor is perfect.

Here’s a scene from The Royal Tenenbaums of Margot taking one of her TV baths. As the movie reminds us, it’s not smart “to keep an electrical gadget on the edge of the bathtub.” (Though sitting in the bathtub and watching TV for hours does sound pretty relaxing.)

Mar even created a portrait of Gwyneth Paltrow’s character.

And look at this beautiful train car from The Darjeeling Limited.

Yup—that’s perfectly monogrammed luggage.

And Mar doesn’t stop with just Wes Anderson creations. She also has some incredibly fun pieces inspired by Star Wars and Zoolander. Check out Mugatu’s outfit.

And here’s a behind-the-scenes look at creating C-3PO.

Can we make a request for something from Moonrise Kingdom next? Maybe a scene of Sam and Suzy on an adventure?