This powerful ad encouraging young women to run for office has us all inspired
Young girls and women today are full of incredible ambition and dreams. They are our future scientists, economists, artists, and politicians. But as a recent campaign from IGNITE National reminds us, not everyone believes in our girls the way we do.
See the powerful ad for yourself
In the ad, a young girl with presidential ambitions gives voice to the impact discouragement has on young women.
“I want to be president. But when I’m thirteen I won’t anymore because no one will tell me that I can do this. They tell me other things like, ‘Don’t raise your hands so much,’ ‘Wait your turn’[...]So, I’ll give up.
As part of its #DeclareYourAmbition campaign, IGNITE, a national nonprofit devoted to developing women’s political leadership, is encouraging all of us not only to be mindful of how we respond to young girls when they express their passions, but also to support and foster the development of those dreams.
As Dr. Anne Moses, founder of IGNITE, shares,
“It's time for women of all ages to rise up and seize power.
We couldn’t agree more! This year we have our first female presidential candidate for a major party, but the number of women in elected offices remains dismally low.
When we are unaccounted for in political leadership, it means our voices are not at the table when policy decisions are made that affect our healthcare, reproductive rights, families, and economic opportunities.