You need to watch this this bus “roll its eyes” at the idea of a Donald Trump presidency

Are you still in a state of disbelief that the 2016 presidential race is between a reality TV star and a former Secretary of State who has dedicated her life to public service? So is the Scandinavian nation’s Socialist People’s Party — and you need to watch their latest ad, which features a bus that rolls its eyes at the idea of a Trump presidency.

The anti-Donald Trump bus depicts the candidate's head with his eyes positioned so that the spinning wheels make an eye-rolling motion. Although it doesn't explicitly endorse Trump's opponent, Hillary Clinton, the ad expresses just how ridiculous it is to imagine Trump as president.

The bus is the voice (or should I say, the eyes) of many of us during this nightmare election cycle. Take a look:

The goal of the ad is to urge Americans living abroad to vote in the upcoming election — but the creators decided to have a little fun at Trump's expense because, well, even Europeans need some comic relief right now.

However, the party’s leader Pia Olsen Dyhr emphasized that, despite the humorous nature of the ad, there’s nothing funny about the possibility of a Trump presidency. Dyhr told broadcaster DR that the prospect is “frightening,” as reported by the The Local Denmark.

Hang in there, everyone at home and abroad — in just 11 days Clinton will be officially headed to the White House and we can safely roll our eyes at the fact that Trump even made it to the general election at all.