This bus crash footage is super scary, but somehow everyone involved is fine
There are close calls, and then there’s “umping out of the way to avoid an oncoming truck that’s about to T-bone the bus you’re riding in less than a second!” That’s exactly what happened for a few unsuspecting commuters recently, but fortunately for them, quick thinking and plain luck prevailed this time, allowing everyone involved to walk away.
Public transportation passengers onboard a Centro city bus in Syracuse, New York, barely avoided what could have been fatal injuries last week after a pickup truck slammed into the side of the bus (and by “slammed into” we mean “crashed through entirely.”)
Cameras fitted at the front of the bus captured a truly horrifying and, for lack of a better term, COMPLETELY INSANE video of passengers jumping out of harm’s way with literally a second to spare. You can even see one woman facing the oncoming collision brace herself in anticipation after realizing what was about to happen.
According to a local news report, the crash occurred on highway I-81 north, after the truck driver swerved to avoid traffic backed up at an exit ramp. It was then that the 82-year-old driver, Neil Brownell, mistakenly hit the gas instead of the breaks, which caused the vehicle to swerve off of the road entirely and onto the nearby grass, leading it full-speed right into the side of the bus, which was stopped at a traffic light. The truck was going so fast, in fact, that it actually became lodged in the side of the bus several feet off the ground.
Despite the devastating accident, no one was killed in the ordeal, although eight people were reportedly injured. Brownell was ticketed for failing to reduce his speed on a curve, as well as failing to keep right while driving on the highway. Moments like these are a reminder to stay alert behind that wheel!